Le Laboratoire Chaotique: Bibliothek

"Bibliothek" is bibliothèque in German. Meaning library, or more specifically, the place where books were kept. 

The Bibliothek collection is created with my brother based on the image of his OC, his blog, and pretty much anything else in his head.

Konpeito: ......なんとも言えへんねんけど。

3ml Roll on: 49HKD each
Complete Bibliothek collection (Konpeito's gift box): 229HKD
*Samples are not available for this collection

Place your order here 


A fragrance dedicated to my brother.

Book repairer. The young gentleman with celadon green eyes, dressed in casual Kimono. 

Konpeito: 僕はそないに甘いんとちゃうやと思うんですけど。

Notes: Yuzu, bergamot, cherry blossom, white tea, ink, cedarwood, sandalwood, bamboo, vetiever, benzoin

Old Books

On the shelf, on the floor, everywhere. Loads of them.

Konpeito: 僕の好きなもんの一つやで。

Notes: Woods, papyrus, ink, and spilled coffee

The Garden with no Flowers

The garden behind Konpeito's place. No flowers were ever considered.

Konpeito: 草んあらへん所に草生やす。草wwww

Notes: grass, herbs, and woods 

Someone else's Tea EDT

A cup of tea was left in the room. Smells peculiar.

Konpeito: どこの誰かさんがお茶にラム酒混ぜんですかねぇ、知ってんねんぞ。不味くないやけどなぁ。

Notes: Black tea, rum, tobacco, leather

Lucid Dream EDT

The state where the dreamer is aware of that they are, in fact, dreaming. 

Konpeito: 起きとやんかて覚めとう、儚いちゃうん?色んな意味とも、僕はそう思うとる。覚めるはずあらへん、やのに、覚めとる。

Notes: Lavender, orange, bay, amber, myrrh

Complete Bibliothek collection (Konpeito's gift box)

Konpeito: 先に言うとこかぁ。お買い上げ、頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。って言いづらい。